2020 Reflections


As 2020 (thankfully!) comes to a close, we’d like to give you an update on where Thrive Haus has been this year – and where we are going in 2021.

Kat and I have had a lot of fun forming the company, building a web presence, and meeting lots of new and interesting people.

However, our vision for Thrive Haus quickly changed from the original plan (not uncommon, as our start up peeps can attest!).

Rather than offer a blend of pro bono mentoring and paid consulting – as was our original vision – we have evolved a bit.

In a nutshell, Thrive Haus is now focused on primarily two services:

  1. 1.      We still offer pro bono informal mentoring to start ups – and are working with several fun companies in this capacity.

  2. 2.      We are also investing in and advising start up and early growth companies.

We still have some other areas of interest, and reserve the right to re-appear with additional offerings, but for now, mentoring, advising, and investing are our focus.

Watch this space – as we will be re-launching our web site soon wit\h more details.

In the meantime, if you want to chat, remember – we are here to listen, learn, and maybe even help a bit. Just give us a shout!

Here’s to a Happy New Year – and a better 2021!

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Still Thriving,



2021 Is Launched!


Pandemic Opportunities: Part Two