

We offer informal coaching/mentoring session(s) – just buy us a cup of coffee, lunch, or a beer!

We have decades of collective experience in start – ups, small, fast growing software companies, and even a large public company. And we love to learn! The Founder and/or CEO role can be a lonely one as sometimes there are no peers to share challenges or brainstorm with. We have been there, done that! So – whatever your situation, if you’d just like a sounding board or some inspiration, let us help. Contact us today so we can connect.

Advisory Services

Building. Learning. Bonding.

That’s why we invest and advise. To help you build your business. To learn and grow by tackling new and exciting challenges. To create effective and fun teams.

Our investment/advisory criteria are pretty simple:

  1. We invest in start ups and early growth companies

  2. That are interesting and can benefit from our particular areas of expertise

  3. With founders we enjoy working with

  4. Preferably on the central California coast – but not exclusively

Current investments include:

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mapEDU is a curriculum mapping solution for professional schools. They offer a fast, easy, objective method that is vastly superior to traditional, manual processes.

We are an investor – and Joel is serving as a Board member as the company relaunches new, SAAS version of the product.


WizeFi is reinventing budgeting software with a unique predictive model that is the most effective solution for reaching financial freedom on the market. But their “secret sauce” is the community of financial coaches they are building to transform how financial coaching is done.

We are an investor – and Joel serves as an advisor.

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Relentless is a very interesting hybrid between an angel investment group and management/sales consulting firm. They provide management services to portfolio companies in exchange for equity. As they say: Most entrepreneurs have a passion for their product, not for building a company. Nobody wakes up and says: “I want to hire more sales people today”. Our model allows founders to focus on what they do best and we supply the rest of the team to help you build a great company.

We are investors in the Relentless Fund.


The Tastry team describes themselves as:

The Sensory Sciences Company That Matches Products to People.

With patent-pending artificial intelligence we identify shopper preferences. Our consumer-friendly technologies, analytical chemistry and machine learning provide the most accurate product recommendations available anywhere.

We are an investor – and Joel also serves as an informal internal consultant to several members of the management team.


SpinShot has been in the software as a service business for some time – with a very robust product for creating & displaying 360 views of products on the web. But they have a new idea – to combine both the hardware and software required into an easy-to-use-and-deploy subscription service.


Not sure where to start?

Schedule a free consult and we’ll join you for an informal chat about you - your business challenges, opportunities, or whatever is on your mind. If you’re open to it, we may offer a few suggestions, share some resources, or just listen. Entirely up to you! No strings. No pressure. Just a chance to share and problem solve together.