Our Growing Portfolio


At Thrive Haus, we continue to seek opportunities to engage with exciting companies.

As part of the Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship angel investing conference this year (AngelCon2021), we were introduced to Michael Allen – CEO and co-founder of SpinShot.

SpinShot has been in the software as a service business for some time – with a very robust product for creating & displaying 360 views of products on the web. But they have a new idea – to combine both the hardware and software required into an easy-to-use-and-deploy subscription service.

 A very interesting idea! So they pitched the AngelCon investors to raise the capital necessary to build out and market this new service. They did not win the competition however, I was particularly taken with Michael’s no nonsense, “bootstrap” veteran’s approach to growing the company. He has a vision for growth combined with a very practical understanding of the pending journey. 

As a result, we have invested in SpinShot and are looking forward to helping out where we can.

 To learn more visit spinshot.io.


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