Product Launch Like A Boss

Guy Kawasaki has another great podcast episode titled: “How to product launch like a boss”

The core of his advice is this: “nobodies are the new somebodies.”

In other words, today with almost instant information, constant feedback from users, and smart phones in practically every pocket – the “buzz” (good or bad) from early testers/adopters of our product or service is the most important aspect of any launch. Unlike the “old days,” today experts and media will pay attention to what “the crowd” is talking about, not the other way around.

Given this new reality, Guy recommends a number of specific tactics – all designed to get our product/service in the hands of as many people as possible.

An interesting nugget is his advice to “do things that don’t scale.”

Welcome special projects, custom requests, and onsite support. Do these things to really learn what customers want – and to establish a beachhead in the market. Then, if scaling is a problem, we have a “good problem” – customers who want our product. Now we just need to figure out how to profitably and sustainably deliver it. The alternative – no one cares.

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Blogging Like A Boss



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“Therefore, what?”